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Why Bees Wax Candles Are Best
Beeswax is used in many industries for many things from pharmaceuticals to furniture and everything in between, beeswax is highly...
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Do Honeybees Hibernate?
A question I get asked A LOT this time of year is do honeybees hibernate? Ok so first things first the bees have to make sure they have...
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Bee's Wax Stages.
We got round to filtering off some beeswax yesterday, I just love the patterns it forms on top when cooling. Beeswax mainly comes in 4...
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Volucella zonaria - The Hornet Mimic Hoverfly.
So you may remember a few blog post's ago, I spoke about Batesian mimicry so here I present you probably one of my favourites......
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Can You Tell The Difference Between Toads and Frogs?
Now although toads and frogs are not pollinators there are hugely beneficial to your garden especially for those pests like slugs, can...
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The larvae and pupa stages of the ladybird life cycle
There are 4 stages to the ladybird life cycle eggs, larvae, pupa and adult. The black one at the bottom is the larvae, they spend 20-30...
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Syrphidae - Hoverfly. Batesian Mimicry
Syrphidae (Hoverfly) - Hoverflies are true flies and do not sting, they are a great example of Batesian mimicry, generally mimicking...
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Scarier Than It Looks
You may have not noticed the hefty mandibles (jaws) on a leafcutter bee they are pretty mean looking with those big chompers, but I'm...
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Animal Behaviour, Energy & Bee's
When you are sat on a horse the horse can't see you it depends on your composure, energy and body language to read what it wants you to...
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Coelioxys elongate - The Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee
I was upstairs looking out the window when something caught my attention hovering in front of the bee boxes so naturally, I run...
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What Is The June Gap?
During June it's not uncommon for there to be a gap in forage for bees, this often depends on the area and what's in flower. I have bees...
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Bee Boxes For The Garden
A little post about solitary bee boxes as I get a lot of questions about these, the most common being... I brought a bee box this year...
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To Poo Or Not To Poo
Happy Sunday folks here is a shitty post you never knew you needed, this is a bee having a poo. Bees are exceptionally clean creatures...
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Skep's, Bee shelters & Bee Boles. 3/3 Post's
Follwing on from last week's post about the bee boles (bee shelter) in Hartpury, well traditionally this is how be boles would be built,...
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Skep's, Bee shelters & Bee Boles. 2/3 Post's
Some of you may have heard of Hartpury bee shelter, this listed building can be found in the grounds of Hartpury church. Many years ago...
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Skep's, Bee shelters & Bee Boles. 1/3 Post's
The word skep is thought to have come from the Icelandic Norse word skeppa meaning straw basket. They have been used for 2000 years to...
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Andrena cineraria - Ashy mining bee
We love all manner of pollinators here, did you know there are over 250 bee species in the UK? Here we have the Andrena cineraria - Ashy...
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Spot The Queen
Can you spot the queen in the image below? The answer will be posted at the end of the month.
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How long do honeybees live for?
There are 3 castes of honeybee in a hive the Queen, worker and drone. The spring/summer worker bees will live around 5-7weeks, winter...
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