Now although toads and frogs are not pollinators there are hugely beneficial to your garden especially for those pests like slugs, can you tell the difference between toads and frogs? And can toads really give you warts? Probably the biggest difference between the two is toads have very dry warty skin whereas frogs on the other hand have much smoother shiny skin. Frogs also have legs longer than their bodies to help them jump but toads have very short legs which they use to crawl around. So can you catch warts from handling toads? In a word no, you can't get warts from any amphibians but some toads do secret a toxin that they use to protect themselves in the wild, occasionally this can react with human skin causing burns so it is still wise to wash your hands after handling. The toxins however can be a little more dangerous for cats and dogs so this is something to be a little more mindful of if you are trying to encourage more wildlife into your garden
The Toad is above, the Frog is below.