Beeswax is used in many industries for many things from pharmaceuticals to furniture and everything in between, beeswax is highly versatile with many benefits. But why choose beeswax candles over paraffin candles? Beeswax has a much higher melting point in fact the highest melting point out of any wax which means beeswax candles burn for a much longer period, they also don't release any soot into your home. When a beeswax candle is burning it releases negative ions into the atmosphere which neutralise pollutants in the air, as beeswax is 100% natural it means there are no toxins, synthetic fragrances or artificial dyes. Unfortunately, there are companies out there that are advertising beeswax candles and they only contain around 5% beeswax meaning you are still getting all the crap from the paraffin and very little benefit from the beeswax. Yes, beeswax candles are more expensive than your typical paraffin candles but paraffin candles are extremely cheap to make so can be massed produced whereas beeswax is limited to what the bees are making. Its thought for every 7-8 pounds of honey a bee will make a pound of wax so it is extremely limited and most beekeepers like honey will only take surplus to requirement, so if you're wondering why your local beekeepers are selling beeswax products at the prices they are, please take into consideration your beekeeper has filtered all that wax fresh from the hive and then spent time making products with it and let me tell you filtering beeswax from the hive is a messy, time-consuming procedure.